27 February 2009

5 in 1

salam n hi to all... macam lama tak posting .. cam tu la KD cakap .. :) tak de ape projek sgt... cuma paten paten biru ni.. paten yg sama.. cuma dipotong n disambung sedikit berbeza. plan to make bags, all kinds, hopefully i can finish it quickly n it will look nice :)

22 February 2009

Handle With Care

hi all... semlm pi la jln2 kat kedai kain... kain tak dapat... tapi dapat handles for bags nih.... emmm but not much choice.... only these pattern n colour... tapi takpala.... beli jugak... ni tengah cari2 lg kat mana nak beli handles yg beraneka corak n kaler....

21 February 2009

Shoo Fly

Another new block from my sewing book... emmm its easy to do... :) this will become bag for new friend.

20 February 2009

New From Me To You

Harmony 1st n 2nd Block

After a week of away from blogging... i managed to finished the 1st block n the houses need thier fences.... emmm work in progrees for the fences. And also a few bags ordered by a friend of mine.... still in progress...

Harmony Village Challenge

Another challenge i found from my blog friend, akma , OMG so many BOM to make.. hihihi but actually im enjoying it very much, even i faced some problem here n there.....

so let get together, n we will make it happen :)

Pioneer Sampler Quilt 2009 BOM Project

Ni 1 lagi BOM project which i discovered from Fida... emmm.... cam berminat nak buat even got so many things to be done... jom jom BOM

12 February 2009


To all my friends, i will be away for a short while. i wll be missing you n your creative blog.... :)

10 February 2009

Bag In Progress

Bag for nurul's mum, emm is it too big?.. i think so....

Lynn's bag, i 'll make one more bag by using the same fabric as she requested, emm..i need to buy more fabric :)
nurul's bag.. im hoping that the strap suits her..

These are bags which in progress requested by my old friend.... bag nak isi telekung... n handbag for her mum.... emmm... i hope she ll likes the colour....till then... i ll post the finish product soonest possible..

New Fabric

more fabric

Hai all... emm.. 2 3 days ni kakpah bz buat bag tempahan kawan2 lama.... nak siapkan before this coming friday.... ni ade kain2 baru yg kak pah beli.. kain plain n bunga2 tu beli kat kamdar... yg plain tu murah jek.. sebab kain lebih2 tapi in a good condition... :)

Kain embroided biru n putih tu kat kedai kain,....japanese cotton RM11/mtr.... murah kot... bole la . beli jek tapi blom tau untuk buat ape... smocking ke blouse ke... .. ok ... nanti post new bag k....till then..

05 February 2009

January Block Challenge

Ni 1st block untuk come to my house challenge...simple colour n a bit of embroidery flower at the window. Door knob tu idea hubby kak pah lepas kami tengok2 rumah yg dah siap, emm... nampak mudah tapi kak pah buat 2 3 kali baru dapat rumah nih. tu pon tak cun sangat... emm ok la .. next will be Feb block.
Thanks to Forevergreenquilt, looking forward to February block

04 February 2009

Come Over To My House Challenge

Fida n Kak Diah ajak join this challenge.... tak pernah pulak join this kind of challenge... tapi memang nak join.... nak try jugak.... jom ramai2... tapi ni dah Februari. sempat lg tak?.. so esok i try my very best siapkan January block.

03 February 2009

Cute's Blogger Award From Fida

The rules of this award are:-
1. Copy Badge “2008 Cute’s Blogger Award” and place it onto your blog;
2. Link or relate about the person who gives you this award;
3. Blogger must list down 10 facts about him/herself before choose the next winner.

hai hai hai... terharu n teruja bila dapat award ni dari
fida . tak pernah la dapat award kan.. n cam blom terfikir bole dapat award dgn blog kakpah yg baru setahun jagung.... hihih jagung pon dah setahun.. blog kakpah baru 5 bulan. :) anyway so sori fida sebab lambat reply.. bukan sengaja..... line terok n kurang arif nak copy n link.... so tq k

So kakpah kene list down 10 perkara pasal kakpah.... emm.. banyak tuh kan....

1. Kakpah baru jek memblog nih. kawan blog pertama adalah Hany, then fida, n gee n selain nyer tu semakin bertambah n bertambah n bertambah.. at 1st kakpah dah give up nak buat blog sebab cam tak berapa expose , tapi kawan yg 3 org ni n hubby la banyak tolong, maka wujud la blog ni dan kakpah bahasakan diri ni kakpah.

2. Kak pah mula serius menjahit about 3 yrs ago. lepas amik course kat Epal... kat lahat datu...sempat habiskan 2 thn belajar epal... bagus memang bagus epal ni kan zurra... shiela... n others yg still activ jd VIP... now kakpah non VIP.... :)
3. Minat buat smocking n quilting walaupon still a lot more to learn..... kak pah suka jahit smocking tapi bab menyambung baju tu ada struggle skit la.. :) tak pro cam gee.
4. Kak pah anak sulung yg garang , kakak kepada 3 org adik lelaki... dulu la garang sebab kami tak de ayah kan.... now they all dah ade famili...walaupon kakpah sorang jek anak perempuan tapi kakpah tak brape la minat masak... sama ngan fida.... suker mengemas.... rase boring jek.. 3 4 6 bulan sekali tukar posisi. ape jek la yg ade dlm umah .. :)
5. Kak pah minat kumpul botol perfume.... dari dulu lagi .. tapi lepas kawen lg rancak n makin bertambah la koleksi... sebab sayang nak buang... n botol2 tu cantik2 kan.. juga akan menyimpan kotak2 perfume tak kire yg besar, kecil, yg miniature.. yg free gift.. :) semua la yg berkaitan dgn nyer..
6. Kak pah tak leh bela kucing walaupon dok kat Kuching :) ... sori aleesa.... me ada asma.. so takleh pegang nanti bulu2 kucing akan masuk dlm hidung :)
7. Kak pah minatttt sangat dgn TAZMANIAN DEVIL.. hhhehehhehe.... suke tgk dia spin n bunyi yg sew cute .. kan zurra...penuh 1 almari .. almari kecikla.. dgn barang2 taz... pantang jumpe ape pon la.... dari sekecil2 hinga sebesar2nyer.. yg besar tu bantal la... mesti nak beli.. tapi tak semua original... kadang kfc keluar toy taz pon kak pah beli.. :)
8. Kak pah ade hobi pelik... suka kumpul sarung tisu yg 30 sen tu.. n sampul raya or angpow... siap simpan dalam album.... ade la 2 3 album.. setiap kali raya jek... kak pah akan pilih n simpan sarung raya yg design nye blom ade dlm simpanan.. 1 design 1 jek la simpan kan....:) pelik kan... but i enjoy la.. :)
9. Emmm.. lagi 2... ape lg nak tulis...camni la kalau tak popular... tak banyak bole tulis :) cita pasal warna kegemaran pulak.. kak pah tak de fav color... kalau nampak cantik n sedap mata memandan.... n hubby kate ok... (kadang tak ikut gak cakap hubby hihihi.).. pakai jek.... or beli jek...bole buat patchwork..... or smocking..
10.. woookeh... last but sure the last one la...Kakpah suke pi travel... zaman muda dulu penah pi Jakarta n Bali sebelum kene bom.. :) tu pon company trip... now travel Sabah n Sarawak .... . nanti la rezeki lebih .. pi jln2 k...
ok ok ok .. dah siap... payah gak ye nak cite pasal diri nih..wah ramai dah dapat award nih. so kakpah nak bg kat hany la.... jawap ye dear biras..