Assalammualaikum n hi to all my dear friend.... today is the day i ve been waiting for , its my 100th post giveaway.. i choose this date, 11/10/09 for my 100th entry is because my sis in law just delivered her 1st baby. meaning another joy to our family... its a boy..
i was so happy to get to know many friends thru blogging and so blessed n totally inspired by all of you out there, a million thanks for your support, so please enter my giveaway and who knows u can win some of this gifts.
i was so happy to get to know many friends thru blogging and so blessed n totally inspired by all of you out there, a million thanks for your support, so please enter my giveaway and who knows u can win some of this gifts.
To enter this giveaway, as simple as,
- Be a follower
- Give as many comment as you wish
- Be a follower
- Give as many comment as you wish
- Make a post in your blog n link
My giveaway will starts now till 21st Oct 2009 n will announce the winner on 22nd October 2009 (my lovely mom birthday )
So .... why wait.... join n win....good luck
My giveaway will starts now till 21st Oct 2009 n will announce the winner on 22nd October 2009 (my lovely mom birthday )
So .... why wait.... join n win....good luck
Pah KDee nak join gak ni.... harap ada tuah!
salam pah,saya pun nak join gak,
Suka kain polka dot.. cute.
kakpah, naiz nak joit juge...besnyee..
count me in kak pah....
Happy 100th post....
kila nak join gak tungguuuu
nak jugak..nak jugak.....hehe...nak jugak...
it's my first time joining such giveaway...wish me luck!!! luv u very much kak jan..
hihihi.. gumbira rase hati..... ramai jugak la join nih... ehh ade banyak masa lg nih.. maklumla 1st.. terexcited pulak...
hajat nak tambah gift lg... ni tengah fikir2;;hihihi..... nanti sama2 kite tunggu k
hany... jom la join lebih banyak giveaway....
cepatnya dah 100th post..semoga lepas nie akan bertambah2 lagi post2 yang dboom dari Pah.
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu k.pah ku cayang
cik kema mai nak jerit nih...nak habaq yg cik kema dah memenuhi segala syarat2 yg ado
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa nak fabby polka dot itiew nak nak nak
tp kalau dpt hat lain pon cik kema suker ahahaha
minta2 la mama rayyan berTUAH
Kak Pah..
Mus nak join juga..
Moga murah rezeki Kak Pah ok..
Harap-harap Mus ada luck..
Kak Pah... ini link giveaway dalm blog sy yer kak....
hai k.pah....
wah bestla giveaway ni
menarik tertarik...
kau memang deboom la k,pah....
hai k.pah...
bestnya giveaway ni...
fa pun nak gak join
menarik tertarik,
u memang DEBOOM la k.pah....
k/azie dah done my part taww... harap2 pakcik random pick my name laa eh...
sharifah, saya nak join... harap ada tuah...tertarik sgt dgn smoking cushion cover...
askm kak pah..heheh fida pun nak jo gak..harap2 dapatlah salah satu give away kak pah...
kalau tak dapat nanti tunggu yg lain plak..heheheh
new follower :)
sherrygo at hotmail dot com
hepy 100 post ;)
slmt hr lahir kpd ibu akk..
thniah dpt ank sdra bru..
n hepy 100th entry..
kte pon nk2 jgk giveaway tu akk..
ni link..
tq :)
salam kak Sharifah,
saya Ibu Arifa, tersangat berkenan dgn giveaway akak nih.
ni link saya:
tahniah dah sampai ke 100 entry :)
sy nk join gak..
ni link di blog saya..
smg etrus bercrafting.. :)
awesome giveaway! congratulation to ur SIL. and i really would love to join this giveaway :)
salam kak Pah
saya ina hasan tersangat berkenan dgn giveaway akak nih.
ni link saya:
tahniah dah sampai ke 100 entry :)
salam...kak pah
zai pun nk join gak..
ni link di blog saya..
selamat bercrafting.. :)
Pah...nak try luck and sent satu lagi entry.
Nanti gatal2 kan tangan tau cabut nama maz :))
Sha pun nak join jgk :)
Here is my blog link...
try my luck lagi for the last time...
Salam Kak Pah,
I have been using your blog as reference as well as to blog hopping..U have given me inspiration thru your works and pls keep it up and keep on inspiring others...
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